This should bring out the inherent nerd in all of us. Lets utilize our collective knowledge of our favorite fictional Universes, to map out intricate fictional scenarios of our own.

For example, the other day a friend of mine asked me an interesting question. He wanted to know what type of species I would use, if I could magically have one million individuals of that species, as a ground force army. The one stipulation being that my army would have to employ military hardware of today's technology. Of course, one of my prime choices (Volunteers/Agents from the Earth Final Conflict Universe) weren't allowed due to the scrills/skrills on their arms, which, as you may know are
symbiotic organisms that feed off a person in exchange for the ability to discharge blasts of energy. So called "built in weapons" and their users were to be omitted from my picks. Finally after much deliberation, I had the field narrowed down to three possible choices:

-Klingons (Star Trek)
-Jem'Hadar (Star Trek)
-Jaffa (Stargate)

I still haven't decided on the winner. There are so many things to take into consideration. And lets not forget, that I aim to pick the best possible army. Which have the most strength's, the most weaknesses? I would appreciate some input. What species would you pick? What would you base your decision on? Do you have any choices that I may have initially overlooked? Last but not least, do you have any scenarios of your own? We haven't even touched starships yet...


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