> Also, the Cylons did not seem to make much sense.  I
> mean, they
> didn't necessarily have to attempt the extinction of
> humanity,
> espeically with the option for diplomatic relations.
>  There was
> no competition for resources, or even any contact
> for that matter
> between humans and cylons for years.  Another issue
> was how
> things got to the point where they decided war was
> necessary.
> Too bad none of the pre-war humans had come across
> the idea of
> making the cylons citizens in their society.  Not
> enough Brin
> readers in the colonies, I guess. ;-)

Well, we don't know why the Cylons and humans were at
war yet anyway...they could have very good (at least
to them) motivations to commit genocide; we simply
don't know yet, as it hasn't been revealed. 

If it follows the forshadowing that I think I already
have seen, I bet its because humanity did something
bad to them in the past...


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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