----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ritu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Killer Bs Discussion'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 7:34 AM
Subject: RE: Fwd: CNN Breaking News

> Jim Sharkey wrote:
> > Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
> > >-- U.S. forces capture a number of wanted Iraqis in Tikrit,
> > >possibly including former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, U.S.
> > >officials say.
> >
> > Looks like they're doing DNA tests to confirm.  I wonder what
> > that's going to mean to Iraq in both the short and long terms.
> Well, this is good news, however you look at it. :)
> The Iraqis would be able to try and convict the man who terrorised them
> for decades and the psychological boost of such an act would be hard to
> overstate.
> He might also be a useful bait to reel in whatever loyal fighters he can
> still boast of in Iraq.

I think that pictures of a grubby Saddam hiding in a hole in the ground will
have a significant psychological effect on a lot of people in that part of
the world.
That he was captured without a shot being fired, even though he wore a
pistol, is also significant.

In a news article about reactions to Saddams capture, one Arab called Saddam
"a coward" for allowing himself to be captured alive and without fighting. I
would respond to this comment by asking "What do you think makes a
dictator?".  Authoritarian despots are not known for being stout hearted and
courageous and brave.

> It is going to have an extremely beneficial attempt on Blair and Bush's
> approval ratings. :)
> Anything more than that would depend on the political acumen of people
> running the show.

The Bush administration quickly applied a "no gloating" edict.
Hopefully Bush can get Cheney to comply.<G>

Unturned Worms Maru


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