At 01:20 PM 12/24/2003, you wrote:
On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 05:23:51 -0600, Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 03:45 PM 12/23/03, Doug Pensinger wrote:
Ronn! wrote:

Like a toilet?
Carefull now, I've been to Alabama. And not just driving through, either.

Ever driven past a paper mill?

Not in Alabama. There's one in Maine that you used to be able to smell from miles and miles away.

Rou On Jefferson Davis' Birthday, Even

The my first college, that town had a paper mill, but never had a smell problem. Moved to another town, with another paper mill; on a bad day you could smell it 25 miles away, easily. (That's how far I was from it.) When the '72 flood came along, the creek that runs past it was flushed out, the water was so nice looking afterwards. Then once the plant started running again the creek turned ugly, yet the company says they don't pollute. Even today they fight the state environmental people.

Now I live ten miles from two chocolate making towns. Can't smell it at my house, but it's a nice treat when you're on a bike ride, to hit a pocket of chocolate vapor.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Coming to a store near you


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