According to

    A scathing report published by the Army War College criticises the
    US's handling of the "war on terrorism", accusing it of taking a
    detour into an unnecessary war in Iraq and pursuing an unrealistic
    quest against terrorism that may lead to US wars with nations
    posing no serious threat.

    The report, by Professor Jeffrey Record, of the war college at
    Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, warns that as a result of those
    mistakes, the US Army is "near breaking point".


    Professor Record's chief criticism is that the Administration is
    biting off more than it can chew.

    He likened the US's ambitions in the war on terrorism to Hitler's
    overreach in World War II. "A cardinal rule of strategy is to keep
    your enemies to a manageable number," he said. "The Germans were
    defeated in two world wars because their strategic ends outran
    their available means."

    The essay concluded with several recommendations, including one
    that the US scale back its ambitions in Iraq and be prepared to
    settle for a "friendly autocracy" there rather than a genuine

This is a serious issue.  I know both that the US Army does not want
the draft reinstalled, because the draft brings in people who are not
so good soldiers as they currently get, and that the Army is being
stressed by the size of the current deployments.

It looks to me that some kind of mobilization is necessary, whether a
sharp increase in army pay to attract more people (requiring much more
government spending) or a draft, perhaps with the draftees put into a
somewhat different catgory (like `peace keeper') so as not to clash
with current Army people.

    Robert J. Chassell                         Rattlesnake Enterprises                  GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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