I don't think a draft is a good way of putting more
men into uniform to fight wars, at least with the type
of war that we're engaged in now. However, I
absolutely do agree (and I've been saying tis
publically on the list for as long as I've been a
member) that Clinton's military cuts went too deep. I
am partially reminded of the situation during the
Interwar period (1919-1941), where the Army was drawn
down to an almost token force, a cadre to manage rapid
expansion when war did come. However, if it wasn't for
the far-sightedness of people like Roosevelt, the US
would have been in serious trouble when war did come,
totally lacking in any medium tanks (FREX) and
planning a war against an army that was one of the
most advanced on the world at that time.

I think the situation in Iraq, plus the ongoing War
against Terror, combined with the fact that national
Guard units are being federalized in order to cover
our commitments elsewhere (the 28th Infantry Division
of the Pennsylvania National Guard is due to rotate
out to the Balkans to serve with SFOR, and other units
are going to Europe to man the bases there) I think
indicates the overextension of the Army. Finally, if
we keep asking our current Active units to stay
deployed for extended periods of time, not only will
this hurt morale, but the increased "operational
tempo" will break down equipment and hurt training in
other military operations, so that as a whole the Army
will be less capable of transitioning from one
operation to another.

Thankfully nothing happened in any other part of the
world (like say Korea); with current deployments we
would be incapable of meeting that challenge with the
forces in theater (2nd ID, plus supporting elements),
which is what the Clinton administration intended the
smaller army of today to do.

Damon, we could use around 3 more divisions.

Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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