At 11:42 AM 1/17/2004, you wrote:
Kevin Tarr wrote:

> That doesn't seems to be the right person. But I've been begging for
> something like this on our subservient list, they throw
> around titles and likes and dislikes so fast it's hard to keep up.

If you're referring to the Culture List, did you ever look at the CDR?
There were a large number of recommended books on there, with a brief
synopsis/review on about half.

Lal, who shouldn't really buy any new books for about four years or so

Yes I know about it. I got some books from those recommendations last year. But there are times when the list is tossing off lists like water off a wet dog. Hard to keep track and most of them are not in the CDR.

I'm just finishing Chasm City. I don't like it much.

Kevin T. - VRWC


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