In a message dated 1/29/04 5:20:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> Not "the equation", a method for ~solving~ a family of equations.

But that's still a description of the natural universe - the method is as 
much part of mathematics as the equations themselves. It exists independent of 
the person discovering it. It's like figuring out gravity or finding a subatomic 
particle. You didn't "invent" it - it was always there. That's nothing at all 
like inventing a machine or concocting a process or combining various 
elements into a new pharmaceutical. You can, in my opinion, get _credit_ for figuring 
out a mathematical method, but how in heck can you _patent_ it?

Tom Beck

"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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