> I sincerely doubt that I
> would have a problem with it if I were born and raised a Nazi. Do you
> understand where I am coming from?
No. There's a moral relativism at work in your statement that I can't fathom. 
It's as if you're saying that you can't choose between anything because 
everything is valid to the person who holds the opinion. Basically, you don't have 
a right to your opinion because it might somehow conflict with someone else's. 

>  I'm looking at things as objectively as I
> can, to find some fundamental truths in this thing we call life. Why?
> Because I have this.....integrity if you will, to seek truth, no matter
> harsh that truth may be. I absolutely reject any and all assumption sets,
> and replace them with these truths that hold as much truth as I can find.
> It's how I remain sane.
But you've denied the very existence of truth, since it's all relative to 
you. Where's the 'integrity' in that?

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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