> I interpreted Tom's post as very clearly judging all Christians.   Perhaps 
> you saw Tom's post differently?

I hope I don't judge all Christians negatively. Most Christians are appalled 
by violence against anyone. Throughout history this has also probably been 
true (if it had been otherwise, I doubt there would be many Jews left by now. Not 
that there ARE all that many of us, alas.)

But - that does not make much difference. The violence that was done, and not 
all that long ago either, was such that Jews still have very good reason to 
be suspicious and nervous and on our guard. It does no good to tell us to 
forgive and forget. We've been through too much, either directly or through knowing 
our history. If we see danger where there is none, that's also a product of 
our experience. And Gibson's actions, and his background, don't give us any 
reason to relax. He's been acting like he's the one at danger here, like he's 
battling mighty, inimical forces. Wanna make a movie about Jesus? It's a free 
country. Gibson is free to make his movie - and we're free to criticize him. But 
there really is a potential danger here, that some people may be stirred up by 
this movie to attack Jews they way they were in the past by viciously 
anti-Jewish Passion plays - does anybody here really want us to risk that? It's not 
Christians whose asses are maybe on the line here. 

Want me not to judge Christians negatively? Stand with us on this. If you're 
talking to someone who saw the movie and they start to say something 
anti-Jewish based on the movie, don't let them get away with it. I don't think this is 
too much to ask. 

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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