> Well, I'm not lopping anything off, if that's what you're asking.. ^_^
> *deep breath*
> Seriously though.. I'm genetically male (XY, as far as I know) but
> have struggled with gender identity my entire life.  I can ramble on
> and on about the path of internal tides that have push/pulled me to
> where I am today (and am happy to, if anyone is really interested in
> the topic) but after a few "false starts" towards living the life I
> need to live, the past few months I've been slowly transitioning
> towards a more female self-expression and life.  At some point in the
> near future, I'll "flip the switch" and be full-time in a female
> gender role.
> Its a long, painful road to have walked, its going to be even longer
> and more painful in the future, but its a voyage I have to walk,
> because there isn't any other way for me.  I've supportive friends and
> lovers around me, and that's makes all the difference.
> (If you have any questions, comments, concerns, whatever, just ask and
> I'll be happy to answer as best I can. I actively like talking about
> this stuff, if only because I get to talk about myself ^_^)
        O.K., I've got to ask.  Why does it matter that much what
gender your BODY is, or what gender others perceive you as being?
        Years ago when we lived in Berkeley, we had a friend 
"Carol", who was technically still a "Charles".  We've since lost
touch, but I still wonder, "Why bother with the hormones, what's 
the point?"  It sounded as if it was about body-image, or something.
She liked women, not men, so she was working on becoming a lesbian.
It didn't seem to be a matter of homosexuality at all.
        Please forgive me if you don't like the question.  I'm 
certainly not trying to belittle anyone's choices.  But I really
don't understand.
        I'm in a male body now, and I like women, mostly.  It 
doesn't feel to me that being in a female body would make that
big a difference to me.  I mean, I would like to try having a
female body, but I'd also like to hike in the Himalayas, and
the latter seems easier and more interesting.  
        I imagine that if I were in a female body, I'd slowly
grow to like men more, although I'm not sure how far my habits
would change.  And I'd eventually quit trying to put my hand
on a beard that wasn't there, and so on.  But I don't see the
attraction, other than curiosity.  And I KNOW that I'd never
start wearing high heels.  : )


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