--- "Miller, Jeffrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When I asked the question to begin with, I didn't
> really think I'd end up posting something like this,
> but what the hell?
> Seriously though.. I'm genetically male (XY, as far
> as I know) but have struggled with gender identity
> my entire life...<sniplet>...but after a few
> "false starts" towards living the life I need to
> live, the past few months I've been slowly
> transitioning towards a more female self-expression
> and life.  At some point in the near future, I'll
> "flip the switch" and be full-time in a female
> gender role.  
> Its a long, painful road to have walked, its going
> to be even longer and more painful in the future,
> but its a voyage I have to walk, because there isn't
> any other way for me.  I've supportive friends and
> lovers around me, and that's makes all the
> difference.

That sounds terribly difficult, especially when I
think of the already-ever-so-mixed-up-turmoil of a
typical adolescence... :-/  Having had two dear
friends who finally acknowledged their homosexuality,
and "came out" to face great (and frankly near-fatal)
difficulty in their family and social lives, I salute
your survival and success.  And to have found a
supportive community is both blessing and necessity
for the future.  


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