William T Goodall wrote:

> My little sister (a home delivered breach-birth so she has to be
> excused)[1] [2]
> [1] My dad was a medical student for  while. He got tubercolosis which
> scuppered things a bit and eventually scraped together enough credits
> to graduate and become a school-teacher.
> [2} Aaaargh! It's hideously deformed and has a split skull! No, it's a
> bottom..aaargh!


Bad enough having one baby pulled out by the feet by a doctor who had
experience in delivering babies breach....  (He's fine now.  Oddly
enough, the most even-tempered child in the house.  Maybe after *that*,
nothing could be worse for awhile?)


oh, and I don't recommend a pitocin drip without an epidural, but I've
probably mentioned that already

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