At 04:39 PM 2/27/2004, you wrote:

> Well then, would it be inapropriate for me to ask
> you to please
> provide the definition of "Free" and "Speech" which
> allows "freedom
> of speech" to align with your doctrin?

My definition is freedom from persecution from the
STATE for what one says. Specifically, I would define
it as the freedom to criticize without fear of
repercussions. I'm sure there are other ways you could
define it, but I think definining it as the right to
use obcenities without any regulation is just plain

> Also, why would a persons age, or rather why should
> a persons age
> have anthing to do with their possible exposure?

It doesn't really, but its normally assumed that
children should be protected from such things. As
adults, its assumed that we have the werewithal and
development that we can cope with such things
effectively. I was using it as an example, since I
think often the decency standards the FCC puts out is
justified with the idea of protecting children from
unacceptable material.


I was siding with the other side just two weeks ago. I could see no reason why Howard Stern had to be careful what he said or the blowup over a teat on TV. But really, the public airwaves are not free. A station gets licensed to broadcast a certain frequency and power settings. In radio, if some wildcat started broadcasting at the same freq as a licensed station, that station would be all over the FCC to shut it down. But that licensed station wants to broadcast racy content and someone complains, that infringes on their freedom of speech! Nothing hypocritical there.

I can see Fool's point. You start tightening the noose with regulations and there may be something that is no big deal now, but prohibited in the future because it offends someone. (Frex illegal alien is now a derogatory term? Sounds like a valid description of a non-resident that broke a law.) But the other side has been just as bad. Penis is a valid word, but in certain context it isn't a medical description of the male anatomy. The industries have not been policing themselves.

Sure, we are adults. (Some of us). But a child above three can turn on a TV or radio. You can put channel blocks on cable signals, but not on a radio or over-the-air TV. The gov should not regulate the content of cable only broadcasts, other than general guidelines like ESPN shouldn't be showing T&A at 8pm, but HBO can since it's content is billed that way.

I hate thinking too much. If I bought a stack porno mags (not that I would know where to buy them) and set them outside an elementary school did I break any laws? The mags are legal. I'm not littering. I'm not handing them to kids directly. Could I be charged for the implied intent?

I though there was a case, a minivan had a DVD player and they were playing an adult video. A person in another car complained about it. If I'm playing a music CD, heck an Eddie Murphy comedy CD, at loud volume (or clear enough) for the people in the next car to hear the swearing, should I be charged?

Kevin T. - VRWC
Jerking back and forth (Devon)

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