Julia wrote:
> > I think what Reggie means is the word you get if you remove "ire tr"
> > from "fire truck".

Erik replied:
> I don't follow. Reggie has a problem with people typing the character
> sequence "f^?^?^? ^?^?uck"? Or is it the sequence "f^H^H^H ^H^Huck"
> that he decides to get worked up about? What character sequence was he
> talking about, specifically?

I have no problem typing "f^?^?^? ^?^?uck," "f^H^H^H ^H^Huck," "fuck," or
even "fire truck."  Although I did have a problem with a keyboard once where
the key for the letter "u" didn't work... :-)  I just don't think any of
those specific words or phrases are either constitutionally protected or
constitutionally banned.  What is constitutionally protected is the ability
to put forward whatever idea you want to.  The language you use to put forth
that idea is not protected.  But again, that's just my little opinion.  I am
open to the possibility that I may be incorrect, and if so then I want to
know that.  That's why I went to lawguru.com.

But even if those specific words are constitutionally protected, it still
doesn't mean that they are necessary.  I mean, I say words on George
Carlin's list, and other words and phrases that haven't made it to that
list.  But there is not a single idea that I can't express without using
those words.

Reggie Bautista


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