Here's a question: If you tell it to record, frex, _The Simpsons_ (since _Futurama_ is no longer on) and the whole show starts 20 minutes late because some blasted football game on the same station runs overtime yet again (or you want to record a show during the week but the President makes a speech or something like that similarly delays the start of the program you want to record), does it sense that and record the show when it actually comes on, or does it record the scheduled time period and thus you get the last 20 minutes of whatever is on before and the first 10 minutes of the show you want? Obviously, *that's* a feature I want someone to build into a VCR or other record-off-the-air device . . .

-- Ronn! :)

The quick answer is no. Some reported problems have been: Networks not telling the channel/program guide providers that a show is supersized, i.e. is 40 minutes instead of 30; some program guides have bad start/stop times that the device won't resolve, like saying a program starts at 8:59 instead of 9 and it won't start because you are recording another show from 8-9.

Probably networks will offer a compromise: remove the feature that skips commercials and we'll provide an electronic tag for each show, so the device can detect that a show has not started yet and wait for the start signal.

I keep my clocks as close to atomic time as I can. I notice networks that drift, the start times will move back or forward. CBS is the worse one.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Too much TV man

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