> Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4571136/
> Medicare is a clearer 
> example of dishonesty and corruption at high levels
> ...But the most shocking deception 
> took place in the run-up to the signing of the
> Medicare prescription-drug benefit on Christmas Eve.
> ...The bill was 
> priced at the time at $400 billion over 10 years.
> After the deed was done 
> (the specifics of which amounted to a huge giveaway
> to the pharmaceutical 
> and health-care industries), it came out that the
> real cost will be at 
> least $551.5 billion—a difference of $150-plus
> billion that will translate 
> into trillions over time. Now we learn that the Bush
> administration knew 
> the truth beforehand and squelched it. Rick Foster,
> the chief actuary for 
> Medicare, says he was told he would be fired if he
> passed along the higher estimates to Congress... 

This is going to be a disgrace (as well as a
health-care disaster) if it is not redressed.  While
drug companies ought to make a tidy profit, the public
should strenuously object to paying for their
aggressive and misleading advertising -- IIRC from
prior discussions/cites, money budgeted to R&D was
roughly 16%, while over 30% was spent on advertising. 
Public health would be better served by getting people
off their gluteus maximae and cutting down on their
massive over-eating.  I can't give you a figure on how
much of the drug budget goes to antihypertensives,
heart medications, diabetes drugs, stroke therapy, and
treatment of obesity-related cancers, but these
conditions are among the top seven causes of death in
the US (2000).

"Over the next decade, America's unhealthy lifestyle
is expected to cause more premature deaths than
smoking, a new report shows.  "We believe diet,
inactivity, and obesity -- that constellation - will
be the leading cause of death if things don't change,"
says study researcher James S. Marks, MD, MPH, a CDC
epidemiologist..."With sedentary lifestyle and
obesity, we see higher rates of hypertension and
diabetes, which are risk factors for stroke or heart
attack," says Joseph Miller, MD, a preventive
cardiologist with Emory University School of Medicine
in Atlanta..." 

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