> >
> >
> > This is exactly what a Kerry adminstration will sound like 
> and feel like.
> > Ick. Poo. Barf.
> >
> > We're going to go kill a bunch of people in Fallujah in 
> less than a week.
> > Friends of your friends.
> >
> > Useful idiot. Does it ring a bell? I thought not. Idiots 
> have bad high 
> > frequency hearing.
> >
> Why are you so sure that proof by insult is valid?

I never said it was valid. But sometimes it's all that will do. It's about
"not dignifying it" if you want to think about it that way.

> I gave 
> solid, factually based counter examples, and you reply by 
> calling me an idiot.

A useful idiot. Can't wait to hear next week about your trip to the
Scientology lecture, where they will also tell you what fine, misunderstood
fellows they are too.

> Do you consider your views correct a priori, simply because 
> they are your views, or is there at least a theoretical 
> possibility that you could be wrong?

I actually have been wrong before. I know that will surprise you. It
surprised me too. 

I'm not wrong about this. Mainstream Islam is poison.


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