From: Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ADMIN] Pseudonymous postings from the Netherlands
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2004 10:50:11 -0800

I have an administrative issue that I need the list's input on. A new list member joined recently, using the name "John Doe" on an account.

Hotmail account, actually.

This person's messages are originating in the Netherlands.

You are correct in that I do live there. Together with some 16 million other people, a lot of whom are connected to the Internet.

As those who have been on the list for a while know, these facts raise a concern that "John Doe" may in fact be a former list member who has been banned.

Let's assume for a moment that I am that "former list member", and the same person someone referred to as "J". Wouldn't you say it's rather rude to then talk about me in third person as if I'm not here, and only refer to me as "a former list member" or "J" rather than using my real name?

Analyzing the language of John Doe's postings (an area in which I have a fair bit of expertise), I see a disturbing similarity to that of the aforementioned banned member.

I'm fairly sure that in a group of 16 million people, a significant number of people would have a similar posting style. In fact, if you'd analyze this list's archive you probably find several sets of people with similar posting styles.

As just one example, John Doe used the phrase "list admins" in a recent message, a phrase that in the past was used almost exclusively on the list by the aforementioned banned member.

I've found that the phrase "list admin" is quite common on mailing lists, so in the list archives you'd probably find the phrase used by various people. Have you checked?

What's a list admin to do?

How 'bout: he should show restraint in accusing someone of something if he can't support his allegations with some non-circumstantial evidence. Or apologize to me, J, and J's wife.

But I'm sure that you can think of ways to check if yours truly and "J" are really one and the same person.

For now, John Doe remains on moderation, which is automatic for new list members.

I do? Then why did you tell me off-list earlier today that you agreed that after 25+ posts it was indeed time to take me off moderation?

I must say that this "J" must have made quite an impact, if you banned him (last year, according to an off-list message I received) and you're still so paranoid about it that any new subscriber from the Netherlands is automatically a suspect. The treatment doesn't encourage a new subscriber to stick around.

Salaam Aleikum


Hotmail en Messenger on the move


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