----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Pseudonymous postings from the Netherlands

> Deborah Harrell wrote:
> > If your supposition is correct, I agree; people are
> > capable of change, and should be allowed to
> > demonstrate that.
> Certainly.  Elsewhere.
> Subscribing under a pseudonym doesn't demonstrate positive change to
>     In a moderated message, "John Doe" says he's "holding off on
> answering" my direct question about his identify, so I'm going to
> that he is the person I suspected.

I really, *really* dislike finding myself in a situation where I feel
obligated to choose between honesty, integrity and truthfulness, and
my feelings of friendship.

If Jeroen had petitioned for a return to the list, had enlisted people
to be advocates for his cause, I might have come down on his side and
perhaps even been an advocate for him.

But, if John Doe is indeed Jeroen (Still debatable at this point,
though the recent postings by Mr. Doe and Sonja seem to hint that this
is true), then I am struck by the blatant dishonesty, the downright
deceit of such a situation.
There are no excuses I can imagine that would justify such behavior.

And if the suppositions are true, there is a question of complicity to
be considered. Enabling another person to perpetrate a fraud upon the
list is a matter for serious consideration.

I think that what really bothers me about this situation is that it
introduces an "Intent to deceive" into the daily activities of the
list. If such a trend were to become par for the course, then what
would make Brin-L different from the dregs of Usenet? I feel that
historically, Brin-L has been a superior venue, and I find that
something to be proud of.

>From The Desk Of The Most Insincere Person On The List Maru


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