Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

I'm so confused . . .

At 03:30 AM 4/6/04, Mike Lee wrote:

Ok, we confess. John Doe and Mike Lee are the same person. Well, we're two
personalities of the same person. If you ban us from this list, we will sue
you under ADA.

If you think it's hard listening to us fight, you ought to have to be in the
bathroom in the morning with us. You're getting off easy.

Every morning, I try to make a reasonable argument, but then it always ends
up with me trying to hang that sonofabitch from the shower rod. Just when I
think I've strung him up this time, I pass out and wake up with my head half
in the toilet.

Still, somehow, I always make it to work on time.
>> Deborah Harrell wrote:
> > If your supposition is correct, I agree; people are capable of change,
> > and should be allowed to demonstrate that.
> Certainly. Elsewhere.
> Subscribing under a pseudonym doesn't demonstrate positive
> change to me.
> In a moderated message, "John Doe" says he's "holding off
> on answering" my direct question about his identify, so I'm
> going to assume that he is the person I suspected.

Top Posting Is Evil Maru

You had to make me scroll down here, didn't you? :o)

Obligatory second line, to avoid one line respons error messages.... <g>

GCU: Top AND bottom posting is eviler still


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