On Wednesday 2004-04-14 12:59, Thomas Beck wrote:
> > Are you arguing that one American life is worth more than 10, 100,
> > 1000,
> > 10,000 lives in Iraq?  I hope not, but this post makes it sound to me
> > that
> > you do.  Clarification would be appreciated...especially if I
> > misunderstood
> > what you wrote.
> I didn't realize it would come out that way, which was not my intention.

I'll say it again.  In 1997 a Jordanian asked me why America was killing 1000 
babies a month with sanctions against Iraq.  

I said that Iraq was an enemy of the USA; therefore, realpolitik meant that 
America had to keep Iraq weak.  We had two choices sanctions or war.  With 
sanctions Iraqi's died, with war Americans and Iraqi's died. As an American I 
would gladly trade the lives of 1000 Iraqi infants for the life of 1 American 
soldier.  (As an Arab, I would expect her to gladly do the reverse.)

That's still the case today.  Dead Iraqis are infinitely preferable to dead 
Americans (or Westerners)...if one happens to be an American.

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