At 11:23 AM 4/14/04, Gautam Mukunda wrote:
--- Tom Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure that's true. We were basically promised
> that the Iraqis as
> a whole would welcome us as liberators. Bush went to
> that aircraft
> carrier to proclaim the end of major combat
> operations. I don't think
> we were prepared for a high number of American
> casualties at all.

> Tom Beck

Which is fine, since we didn't _get_ a high number of
American casualties.  Any death is a tragedy, and the
death of any American soldier is an immense tragedy.
But the British lost 40,000 people in the first few
hours of the Somme.  We lost ~50,000 in Vietnam.

58,000 in 10 years in Vietnam 54,000 in 3 years in Korea 400,000+ in 4 years in WWII 100,000+ in 1-1/2 years in WWI

We've lost less than 600 people in a year in Iraq.  By
any measure that's an astonishingly low rate of

Furthermore, most Iraqis _do_ seem to be happy that
we're there.  So that prediction too, is not
inaccurate.  If you thought that some Iraqis wouldn't
oppose our presence before the war, it's because you
weren't paying attention and nothing else.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

-- Ronn! :)


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