----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Damon Agretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting

> > I don't know what to make of this.
> > Just plain freaky.
> >
> > http://letsroll911.org/ipw-web/bulletin/bb/viewtopic.php?t=3
> Not only that, but if you analyse the Bible Code, selecting every
2nd letter
> of every 3rd word, the Book of Revelations clearly says "Bush
> Nine-Eleven Fuzzy Bunny Slippers." Do we NEED any more evidence???

I have no problem seeing the site as fringe weirdness.
That's what it is.

But I find 2 things about the site that unnerve me.

I can't explain away *all* of the claims. Those pictures of the
"extra" pod under the plane are something I have no ready explanation
for. Unless someone has gone to the trouble of doctoring images from
every recorded version of the disaster (quite possible, but in itself
quite weird) just to support a conspiracy industry on the net (which I
think we all agree *does* exist), then there is "something" to these
claims. I can't figure what that "something" might be though.

The other thing that gives me goosebumps is that I keep hearing these
same kinds of theories on the radio (albeit from a less than reputable
source, namely Pacifica Radio).

This stuff just gives me the creeps, kinda like a good scary horror
novel or a alternate timeline story where reality has gone bad can
make you feel like the very worst thing imaginable is waiting for you
just around the corner.

I think that is why this kind of stuff spooks me. Most of us (I
imagine) like to think that our government is basically OK and that at
the worst we only have to wait for a change of administrations for
things to improve to our liking. Probably most of us feel like we have
a healthy and rational balance of trust/mistrust for the machinery of
government that works behind the scenes doing things we never have to
consciously consider.

So sometimes after reading one of these websites, and listening to
talk radio, and reading some of The Fools posts, I'll think about what
it would be like if the rug of reality were suddenly jerked from under
our feet. Conspiracy theories are a form of guilty pleasure, but they
are made almost plausible by some of the dirty deeds that are known
for certain to have been perpetrated by our government. (Medical
experiments on the retarded or unwary Frex)

Another part of the fun is playing the skeptic after enjoying playing
with the scary idea. But I greatly prefer being able to ferret out
some explanation that resembles rationality, but with this kind of
stuff I'm not connecting the dots to my own satisfaction.

It Was A Dark And Stormy Night Maru


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