----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Killer Bs Discussion'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 4:50 PM
Subject: RE: This time I won't blame Bush

> Julia, in snottier-than-thou mode:
> > That's really brilliant -- counter an ad hominem argument
> > with another one.
> You got it! I was so afraid that would go over everyone's heads.
> > Now, there may be some irony intended in that.  I'll assume
> > that ML is calculating enough to have planted the irony
> > intentionally, and give him half a point for it.
> I'm more generous: you deserve a full point for your facility in
> the obvious.

Going after the most consistently inoffensive person on this list with
an insult.
Not just that, But Julia is the heart and soul of this little

I bet you spend your Tuesday nights repeatedly dialing the American
Idol phone lines and voting for the l0053r5.

You don't have a BOZO in your job title do you?
(An obscure reference you won't get unless you actually do have BOZO
in your job title)

Beelzebozo Maru


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