A video posted Tuesday on an al-Qaida-linked Web site showed the
beheading of an American civilian in Iraq and said the execution was
carried out to avenge abuses of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison.
In a grisly gesture, the executioners held up the man's head for the

The American identified himself on the video as Nick Berg, a
26-year-old Philadelphia native. His body was found near a highway
overpass in Baghdad on Saturday, the same day he was beheaded, a U.S.
official said.

The video bore the title "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shown slaughtering an
American." It was unclear whether al-Zarqawi - an associate of Osama
bin Laden believed behind the wave of suicide bombings in Iraq - was
shown in the video or simply ordered the execution. Al-Zarqawi also is
sought in the assassination of a U.S. diplomat in Jordan in 2002.


The family of an American civilian shown beheaded on an Islamic
militant Web site huddled in in tears Tuesday after learning of the
existence of the graphic videotape.


The Other Shoe Maru



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