On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 12:58:37PM +0000, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

> >
> > One way to make solar cells more efficient is to find a material
> > that will capture energy from a large portion of the spectrum of
> > sunlight -- from infrared to visible light to ultraviolet.
> I don't think this is _the_ problem for groundhogs. The problem is [or
> was?] that the cost to assemble a solar cells is higher than the cost
> of the energy it produces. So it's economically viable to put solar
> cells in satellites, but nothing else.

Think about it, Alberto. IF they can make these solar cells for about
the same cost as present solar cells, then by tripling the efficiency
they drastically improve the economic viability (it creates 3 times the
energy!). Time will tell whether the IF is possible.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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