----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Beck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: Da Vinci: Inventor of Car?

> > Leonardo da Vinci is revered around the world as a master of
> > Renaissance painting and an ingenious engineer, but few have
> > of him as the father of the modern car.
> > But on Friday, the Museum of History and Science in Florence -- 
> > heart of Renaissance Italy -- unveiled the first "automobile"
> > based on some of the sketches from da Vinci's famous notebooks.
> >
> > The "automobile" -- which in fact looks more like a wagon -- is by
> > means the first invention discovered in da Vinci's mysterious
> > manuscripts, which include flying machines, helicopters,
> > military tanks and bicycles.
> With all due respect to Leonardo, he "envisioned" these things, he
> not "invent" them. Just as, for example, Larry Niven dreamed up the
> Puppeteers' General Products #1 Hull, but he never actually invented
> one.

To be fair, Leonardo did design the device, as opposed to Niven just
describing his hulls. And it is possible that one was actually built
by Leonardo.
I recall that some of Leonardo's designs have actually been built and
that they worked. IIRC a pump is the best example.

How far do you have to take an idea along the road to a finished
product before it could be considered an "invention"?

A Question Of Degrees Maru


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