----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Beck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Enterprise cancelled?

> > Why wouldn't writers want to maintain continuity in a popular
> > fictional Universe? Ask yourself that question and that theory takes a
> > major blow.
> Why would they? Unless they're sad fanboys themselves, which they
> rarely are, they're never concerned with continuity. It's too difficult
> to maintain; so much easier not even to bother.  That way you can do
> anything you like. It's the producers'  responsibility to prevent this,
> and I just don't get the feeling that the Enterprise producers care
> either.

see I never thought I'd see that day come when I would defend ST:E.

however it has arrived. first instance, take EP 23 of season 2,
Regeneration, its based on the debris field left by the borg sphere in the
movie "First Contact". There were technical problems that were used by the
writers the "urked me" however it falls within the confines of the time

As for the temporal Cold war.. I could do without it, don't get me wrong
they make it fit and explain it well as to why events are unfolding this
way, by "temporal lag" so things cannot be fixed right at that time, there
is nothing to say that based on the possible;possibilities that its is
deemed that the less intrusive method and a style which alters the timeline
less would be the way that things are unfolding in the ST:E universe.

And reasons as to why things are occurring have been explained well, "the
sphere builders" they lost a war in the future so they get a technological
advanced species to destroy the "federation" in the past so they can win in
the future.

I can see it getting dropped from production rather quickly next season, and
I hope it is not the end of ST series, as I would love to see one based on
the romulan wars, and the lost era around Enterprise B - C. or even a future
one based in the time of the "sphere wars" or even one farther along based
on a full scale war with the borg, with both the alpha and beta quadrants
joined together to defeat them.

Nick "resistance is futile" Lidster

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