> Right, but why do we only have aircraft carriers,
> and not small boat
> carriers for fleet vs. fleet operations?  IMHO, its
> because aircraft has a
> different set of tradeoffs from boats/ships.  I
> cannot imagine a carrier
> of, say PT boats being effective in fleet to fleet
> operations.  If they
> were effective, wouldn't we have had at least one PT
> carrier in a fleet?

But look at it this way: what if aircraft were never
developed? The advantage aircraft have over a PT boat
is both speed and altitude. But in other regards a PT
boat is superior: it has greater endurance and
payload. But speed and altitude trump the abilities of
the PT boat. But in a place where there is no
competition from aircraft, it would be reasonable that
PT boats, with greater technology, would prosper.

In between the period between the development of the
self-propelled torpedo and the development of
effective fighter aircraft (essentially WWII), one of
the biggest threats naval planners saw in the future
was that from torpedo boats. These were usually light
vessels with small cannon and a number of torpedos,
and although they were not the direct predecessor to
MTBs like the American PT, they fulfilled the same
role. They were so concerned that an entirely new
class of warship was developed specifically to counter
them: the Destroyer (or, more accurately, Torpedo Boat
Destroyers) and to fulfil a similar role in high seas
fleet actions. With better technology (primarily in
materials and engines during WWII) these craft could
be made smaller and more effective. But they were
completely overshadowed by airpower.

Combat in space, however, there is no "equivalent" (at
least known) to aircraft; so essentially everything is
a "ship." So, rather than looking at space fighters as
aircraft, rather look at them as small "ships."

Looking back I think I made my analysis needlessly
long and wordy. To sum up: the reason there are no PT
carriers is that airpower completely overshadows that.
In space, though, there is no equivalent.


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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