From: Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Gary Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I try to balance Green zone reports with reports
> from the Red Zones.

Well, you have to ask yourself how you feel about
treating the Arab press as reliable.  Do you, for
example, believe that the entire war in Iraq is a
Jewish conspiracy launched by sinister "neocons" who
are actually pawns of the state of Israel?  That
would, after all, be the standard story of the war as
reported in the Arab press.  I tend to trust other
media just a tiny bit more...


The Same press that was all over the Texas-Cyanide Bomber story?  The One
where they captured conspirators with ~~actual~~ WMD, capable of killing
tens of thousands.  Oh, wait.  They _didn't_ report on the Texas-Cyanide
Bomber story.

The world Orwell described does not require complete control of the
press, just a very large market share.
-Kuro5hin Poster

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