From: Dan Minette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>>> "I would very much appreciate help in understanding how the
>>> US set up the Bathe party...or how we ensured Hussein rose in it."
>>> I didn't see an answer from him on this.  If you could
>>> enlighten me on this,

>>I haven't had time to read all this thread, just noticed this one at random.
>>I don't recall making that claim, if I did, and didn't answer your question,
>>it would be because I would have no idea what I was talking about :)

>You made the claim in a post on 4/6/04, which I received at 11:51, in the
>following exchange:

>>I believe that the Catholic confession for "what we have done and what we
>>have failed to do" is a very valid encapsulation for morality.  We are
>>responsible for evil we could have stopped, as well as the evil we do
>>ourselves.  True, raping someone and standing by while another is raped
>>not equally evil, but both are evil.

>So we did the latter for 30 years, after putting the rapist in power, and
>now we decided its our turn.
>And that makes us Princes of Morality? So you die in a paper shreder or in
>from a tank shot.
>Dead you are.

><end quote>

>By "the rapist", I think you meant Hussein, since that's what the metaphor
>referred to.  Your mentioned 30 years, reinforced that idea.

>Dan M.

Ohh, OK, yes I did say that, sorry, it was just the way you phrased it, made it
sound like I made authoritative statements about the origin or the Baath party
and Saddam. I was being a bit pop-culture there, and overly dramatic, as the use
of the word rapist may suggest. A bit sloppy and emotive on my part I concede.
I was under the impression that the CIA had had a hand in installing Saddam, but
the details of it, as I said, were something I was ignorant of. It was a sort of
"commen knowledge" type statement I was making, not one that I could claim
to be truly informed about. I guess Saddam is probably one of the few people who
could be taken as a reliable source on this topic. I await his book with interest :)

I have found a few links that refer to some of the concepts I was referring to, and 
hope they flesh out where I was coming from. I apologize for not getting back to you 
on this, to be honest time forced me to skip a lot of posts.

Now, these are just websites, and it could all be bunkum, but they help set the tone 
of where I was coming from. According to these, Saddam was on the CIA's payroll from 
1959, and was groomed to assassinate the then Iraqi Prime Minister, and that the CIA 
adopted the Baath party as its tool of choice in getting the regime it wanted. Some of 
the sources quoted, former US government officials, sound like they would know.

That being so, I was wrong in saying 30 years,  I should have said 40. But then who 
really knows... The CIA sure aint crowing about it.







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