At 02:10 PM Saturday 8/14/04, Gary Denton wrote:
It is rare to find such a thorough debunking of another statistician's
report in an official document.  Dr. Lott is thoroughly exposed as a
lying,  incompetent, partisan  boob.

This was not the first time Dr. Lott has been exposed.  His book "More
Guns, Less Crime" immediately made him a darling of the GOP right and
earns him a lucretive position on one of those tax-free conservative
think tanks.  The problem is that analysis has been debunked several
times and Lott, after changing his story several times over the years,
can now can produce no survey data, or even evidence that a survey
even took place, to support his main claims.

He was also exposed by a fellow conservative and blogger for creating
a female online persona to fawn admiration on himself and swiftly
attack any criticism of his work.  And then exposed as either writing
or having his 13-year old son write a glowing review of his book.;sid=03/02/04/16500296;mode=nested

The reward for this dishonesty and incompetence?  A prominent place as
a leading conservative commentator.

However, how nerdy is it I find amusement in reading about faulty SPSS models?

Isn't the whole point of SPSS and similar packages to create reams of impressive-looking computer printouts to hide the fact that either the data or the reasoning (or both) can't stand up to scrutiny, so you bury them under all that output?

-- Ronn!  :)

"Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot remain in the cradle forever."
-- Konstantin E. Tsiolkovskiy


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