----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gautam Mukunda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: Fascist Censorship Spreads: Vichy Style

> --- Warren Ockrassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Aug 25, 2004, at 6:33 PM, Dan Minette wrote:
> > > Further, to zeroth order, it was Stalin's USSR
> > that defeated the Nazis.
> >
> > In Russia, on land, sure. But it was US and UK
> > efforts that won the air
> > and sea battles.
> As one Soviet general said to the other in Paris, "By
> the way, who won the air war?"  (old, and bitter, army
> joke).  The "sea battle" was relevant only to the
> extent that it allowed the US to supply Great Britain.
>  Had the Germans won the battles on the land, this
> would have meant, nothing.  The war in the air was of
> debatable importance in the outcome of the war (I
> think most historians give the impact of the strategic
> bombing campaigns too little credit for reasons that
> are not worth going into here) but for all that, it
> seems to me that the purpose of the air war was to
> allow the war on land to be won.  I'm not sure I'd go
> as far as Dan's "Zeroth order" comment - given how
> closely balanced the Eastern Front was, it's my belief
> that without British and American support of the USSR
> it would have collapsed in either 1940 or 1941 - but
> certainly to first order it seems correct.

Actually, my zeroth order comment was meant to be weaker than a first order
comment.  Think about perturbation theory.  If a solution can be expressed
in terms of a convergent series; a first order approximation is one that
includes all first order terms, a second order approximation includes all
first and second order terms, etc.  A zeroth order approximation, thus, is
a metaphor for an approximation that is rougher than a first order
approximation.  I've stated earlier that, to first order; the war in Europe
was won by the US and the USSR.  To zeroth order it was won by the USSR.

I hope that clarifies my meaning.

Dan M.


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