JDG wrote:
> The ironic thing is that if one had to name the political officials
> who interfered the most in the *final outcome* of the 2000 election
> for Florida's Presidential electors, one would be forced to concede
> that the Top Two are:
> 1) Al Gore,  a Democrat, who despite claiming to want to "count
> vote," only requested a recount in the counties that voted most
> heavily for him, and thus were statistically likely to produce the
> greatest increase in Al Gore's votes.   Ironically, a subsequent
> media analysis indicated that the only recount that would have
> produced a plurality of votes in Florida for Al Gore's electors was
> *principled* recount of all Florida counties.
> 2) The Florida Supreme Court, with a solid Democratic majority, who
> despite making a ruling on "equal protection grounds", decided to
> only order recounts in the counties that voted most heavily for Al
> Gore  Ironically, a subsequent media analysis indicated that the
> recount that would have produced a plurality of votes in Florida for
> Al Gore's electors was a *principled* recount of all Florida
> 3) The Head of Elections for Palm Beach County, also a Democrat, who
> designed the butterfly ballot that arguably may have resulted in a
> number of intended votes for Al Gore being registered as votes for
> Pat Buchanan due to voter confusion and incompetence.
> Any other political official in this country had a smaller effect on
> the ultimate outcome than the above Democrats.   I am sure that it
> must really stick in your craw that your own side this to yourself.

So.....you admit that Gore actually won the election, but we got Bush
only because of flukes and misteps?

Resounding Gotcha And Maniacal Laugh Maru


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