--- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (Of all the e-mails my brief search turned up, this
> seemed to be the most 
> well-written.)
> If DB has anything to add to this, I would welcome
> reading it, assuming he 
> has time to do so.

Julia, that was great.  I din't kno I wrote so gud. 
Musta been before all the drugs.

Your "balanced" and yet assertively suspicious of
conspiratorial authority friend -- David B

PS... by all my logic (above and elsewhere) the most
telling endeavor of the monsters has been to try to
forever eliminate the Inheritance Tax, which is by its
very nature the most fair and sociologically
productive of all taxes.  Nobody need ever pay it, so
long as they choose some other charitable way to
dispose of the funds, rather than using them to make
lords and demigods of offspring who never made a good
or offered a service in their lives

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