--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One of the problems is that the conservatives have
> co-opted the media for 
> the most part. 

When even Limbaugh and Hannity publicly admit it's
true, and laugh, jeering that the Liberals can't get
their propaganda act together, you know the dittoheads
have gone down the road of the brownshirts.

 >.... or by drowning out the really
> damaging news of 
> failure after failure in Iraq 

Is that why none of the papers carry any MAPS of areas
under US control?  The HAVE TO publish casualty
reports, but the maps...

By some reckonings, we control maybe 10% of the

By day.

Tragic, since I really want something good to come out
of this mess.  For all the fact that I deeply hate
Rummy and Wolfy, I patriotically hope I'm wrong and
their insanely stupid plan works.

> I keep thinking that America - especially the part
> that doesn't pay that 
> much attention and takes stuff like the Swift Boat
> add campaign

The stuff pouring from some mouths.  I tell you this. 
Any man who commanded a swift boat and brought his men
back alive from even ONE mission deserves respect. 
And that means I respect the loony swift boat men who
are spreading lies about John Kerry.  I respect them

Though they are liars.

 at face 
> value or those that still believe that Iraq was
> involved somehow in the 
> 9/11 attacks - is going to wake up one morning and
> realize that they're 
> getting reamed and the ideological pendulum will
> start to swing in the 
> other direction. 

Oh, that's why I sleep okay.  These assholes don't
have history on their side.  They are creating the
fertilizer for a re-invigorated labor movement and it
will be helped by Target and every other company
that's being ruined by ScabMart... I mean China Inc...
I mean WalMart.

I do believe we'll be okay even if the monsters stay
in.  But the Western Alliance will be destroyed by 4
more years of Manchurian Candidate, Saudi commanded
Hara Kiri.  

The consensus favoring Pax Americana, that Clinton
built in the Balkans, lies in ruins.  Today solemn
meetings are being held in Paris, Moscow, Beijing all
with the title "What shall we do about America?"  

The neocons answer "So? Screw em!"  But we are busy
tossing away the hope of an America-led unipolar
coalescence and giving energy to those aiming for a
multipolar world.  

Typical Confederates.  All viscera.  No brains.

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