One of the things that I would like to do is break the cycle of repeated
arguments, that tend to exist after mostly the same people cover mostly the
same territory.  One thought I had was triggered by the use of the word
"rational" in several posts.  I started thinking about framing the argument
in terms of axiomatic systems, seeing what is derived from various sets of
axioms, and what just appears to be derived from a casual use of the

>From this, possibly, a more fruitful discussion might emerge.

In addition to this, it would be worthwhile to discuss indeterminacy,
chaos, and complexity with regards to physical systems, humans, and social
systems.  There are a lot of ideas concerning this thrown about in this
discussion, and differences in understanding these can lead to don't loop
arguments (keeps on looping and don't do nutting).

First, let us consider randomness and chaos.  My favorite example of this
is a random number generator.  Remember when you just started division with
whole numbers and used remainders?  For example, 7/3 = 2, remainder 1.
Random numbers are typically generated in this manner.  The overflow of the
32 bit unsigned integer is usually used.  That is to say, one obtains  c =
a* b, where a, b, and c are all integers.  With a 32 bit unsigned integer,
clock arithmetic is commonly used.  So, when this is done on a computer, we
automatically get  c/2^32= d remainder e.  We are not interested in d, but
e is the next random number.  We then get f = a*e, f/2^32 = g remainder h.
h is the next random number.

This is a random number generator because there is no correlation between e
and h.  If one looked at the h(e-1) and h(e+1), one would find the same
pattern one would see of one looked at h(e-49724835) or h(50928345083).

This is also a chaotic system.  A change in only 1/(2^32) of the full range
results in a number that has a flat probability distribution over the full

Further, this random number generator is not really random: it is
pseudo-random.  That is to say, if one runs it a thousand times, starting
with the same a & b values, one gets the exact same sequence every time.
That is why varying the seed is always an option.  Some random number
generators also allow one to vary a.

Random number generator quality is determined by two factors: the lack of
correlations and the periodicity.  The one I've given has a periodicity of
2^32, which is good enough for most purposes.  The book on random number
generators that I used to write my first generator (the standard DEC ran()
function wasn't pseudo-random) has a very illustrative example of how one
needs to be very structured in setting up a random number generator.  He
gave an example of doing about 10 different "random" things, like taking
the sine, an exponential, etc. of the number before returning it as the
seed for the next calculation.  He ran it, and found it had a periodicity
under 20.  Seemingly "random" actions ended up in establishing a very tight

These random numbers describe chaotic behavior.  Minimal changes in the
input value can result in full scale changes in the output value.  There is
no way to predict the next state of the system from the present state, or
the present and previous state, the present and the two previous states,
etc. (except by knowing the algorithm.)

There are physical systems that are like this.  I've given some examples of
this before.  Even if one were to assume that air molecules were classical
perfectly elastic hard spheres, we see that the we need to know the
position of air molecules in a 1 meter cube with (practically) infinite
precision to know if the position of a given molecule is closer to the left
or the right, to the top or the bottom, to the front or the back of this
cube at 1 second.

Both the random number generator and the model of air molecules as little
hard spheres are examples of classical chaos.  In theory, one could make
the predictions (with the random number generator one actually could), but
the complexity gets in the way.  With real air molecules, of course, one
cannot do this even in principal. Quantum effects insure that the results
are indeterminant.

Quantum mechanics is truly random.  Let us consider a thin slit experiment,
where the light source is dim, and emits one photon at a time. (I tried an
ASCII drawing of this, but it didn't parse right.) Knowing everything
possible to know about the source, we cannot determine
where the photon will hit.  We have a probability distribution, given by
the one slit diffraction pattern, but that is just a probability pattern.
It is impossible to know where a given photon will hit.

When QM was first developed, this caused some discomfort.  People like
Einstein thought that there must be some underlying determinism (God does
not roll dice with the universe). But, after >75 years, experimental and
theoretical advances have shown that it is impossible to have a local
hidden variable theory underlying QM.  That is to say, if these hidden
variables actually exist, they must either violate special relativity by
traveling faster than light, or travel backwards in time.

Thus if one assumes that QM will survive as no less than a special limit
value case of a more advanced theory (the way Newtonian mechanics is a
special limit value case of QM and SR), then one has to drop the idea of
local determinism.

Finally, having discussed indeterminancy and chaos, it is worthwhile to
discuss complexity.  Complexity is on the edge between chaos and order.
Patterns emerge out of chaos, apparently having properties that did not
exist before things became complex.

That is only sorta true; the example of the "random" operations causing a
short cycle is a good example of what is going on.  Even with a random
number generator, one can generate a set of algorithms that obtains order
out of the chaos.  Nothing comes out of the blue, the potential for the
order is in the nature of the operations and the random number generator.
Rather, results that are counter-intuitive can emerge.  It's not intuitive
that picking operations out of the air could cause a random number
generator to turn into a short cycle.  But, one can see, if one thinks
about it, how such a thing could happen.

We can turn to thermodynamics for a second example.  I can state, with some
confidence, that a perpetual motion machine, based on classical
thermodynamics and classical mechanics cannot be built.  There are many
classes of perpetual motion machine: a perpetual motion machine of the
first kind creates energy out of nothing, a perpetual motion machine of the
second kind takes heat from a reservoir and turns it into mechanical energy
without transferring a minimal fraction of that heat to a colder reservoir.
The first kind violates conservation of energy, the second violates the
principal of entropy: the entropy of a closed system must always increase.

Therefore, if I am told that someone has invented a perpetual motion
machine, I can dismiss it out of hand without considering the details of
his machine.  No matter how the inventor explains that perpetual motion is
an emergent property that comes out of the complexity of the system; my
knowledge of the underlying physics allows me to rule it out.  Indeed, the
existence of such a machine, no matter how complex, would overturn physics
at its most basic levels.

Having said this with confidence, it doesn't mean that counter-intuitive
things cannot happen.  For example, creationists have argued that entropy
is inconsistent with evolution.  One way to look at evolution is that more
and more complex and ordered systems evolve from less complex and ordered
systems.  Since the principal of entropy states that things naturally
become less ordered, this cannot happen.

There is a hole in this reasoning, of course.  The law of entropy is for a
closed system.  There is no reason why the entropy of an open system cannot
be long as the entropy of other systems that are connected to
this system rise at least as much as that system falls.  So, localized
drops in entropy, which appear paradoxical to the casual observer, can be
seen to be very compatible with the laws of physics.

This gives us a rule for the use of complexity.  Complexity can result in
phenomena that are counter-intuitive to one who just thinks in general
about basic principals.  Complexity cannot result in phenomena that are at
odds with the basic principals.

Well, this post has gotten long while giving us just one axiom.  But, I
think it helps lay the groundwork for explaining my thinking.  I'd welcome
any critique of this analysis.

Dan M.


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