
Critics of the Diebold (search) touch-screen voting machines turned their
attention Wednesday from the machines themselves to the computers that
will tally the final vote, saying the outcome is so easy to manipulate
that even a monkey could do it. 

And they showed video of a monkey hacking the system to prove it.

In the minute-long video produced by Black Box Voting (search), Baxter
the chimp is shown deleting the audit log that is supposed to keep track
of changes in the Diebold central tabulator, the computer and program
that keeps track of county vote totals.

Black Box Voting founder Bev Harris said the demonstration shows that the
system — which will be used in more than 30 states, including Maryland —
is dangerously inadequate when it comes to stopping election fraud.

"Where annual elections end, there slavery begins" -- John Adams


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