On Sun, Sep 26, 2004 at 09:05:55AM -0400, John D. Giorgis wrote:

> It appears that Kerry believes in pre-emptive strikes in Iraq without
> France only in the case of Democratic Presidents, not Republican
> Presidents.

Perhaps he believes it is better to take no action rather than to take
action and screw up the follow-through due to stupidity and/or poor
strategic planning, as happened with both Bush I and (especially) Bush

Or maybe I am just injecting my own opinion. I certainly thought
(and think) taking action in Iraq to remove Hussein and help build a
democracy was (and is) a good thing. The problem is when the president
and his cabinet are so horribly inept that the result is a much reduced
benefit at a much higher cost than many of the original supporters
expected and were led to believe.

Knowing now what I didn't then about the (in)competency of the Bush II
administration, I would not have supported the recent Iraq war. Knowing
what I do about Clinton (based largely on the results from Kosovo),
I WOULD have supported the recent Iraq war if Clinton or a similarly
competent administration were in charge.

In short, JDG's statement quoted above is perfectly reasonable, if you
substitute competent/incompetent for Democratic/Republican.

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