----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: John Kerry in 1997

> At 08:02 AM 9/26/2004 -0700 Nick Arnett wrote:
> >To me, the oversimplification of arguments along the lines of "Saddam
> >was a brutal dictator, therefore the war was just," is another example
> >of the sort of polemics that passes for argument in our culture.  As if
> >war's only effect on the world is to determine whether or not the stated
> >desired outcome would come to pass!
> >
> >Surely the war planners at least considered what sort of effect this
> >would have on the rest of the world's attitudes toward us.  Yet the
> >administration, much less its supporters, seems unwilling to give even
> >lip service to that or any of the multitude of other reasons that argue
> >against the war.
> You are confusing "justified" with "wise."    Kerry explicitly said that
> the brutality of the dictator alone is not sufficient for justification.

I tend to like Gautam's criterion for justification needed for a President
to decide to start a war.  We need to consider the overall harm to the
world, as well as the benefit to the people involved.  By this criterion,
Gulf War II has not qualified...although a reasonable person could have
thought that it once did.

As an aside, I think that one more criterion needs to be added.  The United
States should not go to war in order to stop a people from freely select a
government that, in the honest consideration of the United States, would be
harmful to the people in that country, as well as the interests of the
United States.

Dan M.


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