> What's perhaps more sad is that you feel free to
> talk
> like this when you don't even read posts.  What part
> of "registered Democrat" didn't you understand?  And
> I
> _love_ the sort of thinking that leads you to "a
> security guard is likely a Republican", by the way.

Same back at you.  I regret missing that line.  But my
subjective impression is that you skim or ignore my

The diff is that in the above para I expressed regret
and the word "subjective" which you do not.

You riff about Russia was both pompous and ridiculous.
 I have as many contacts as you do, including more in
the intelligence community, which seethes at W by the

With their border disputes settled, the Russ-Chinese
have declared urgent interest in making their barder
as profitable/peaceful as the US Canadian.  Arms are a
small part of their burgeoning partnership, in which
both provide what the other lacks.

Again, Eurasia will not need military parity in order
to be able to undermine our unipolar leadership in
21st century matters.  All they need do is DECIDE they
don't like unipolarity for it to END.

And it has ended.  Thanks to the blithering neocons.

> > 
> Well, his fellow officers didn't feel that way, and
> they were his comrades in arms too.  Also, "EVERY

This is an outright lie.

 (incidentally, do you think
> shouting makes you look _more_ rational?) 

The caps= shouting convention is utter nonsense.  If
you want to follow it, I am sorry for the shrill tone
that you have interpreted and which I did not utter at
this end.

> Dr. Brin, by your standard Clinton also planned the
> invasion of Belize.  Invasion plans for pretty much
> every country on earth are regularly planned in the
> bowels of the Pentagon under every President. 
> That's
> sort of what it's for.

Absurd.  SCORES  (ooops *scores*) of special forces
teams were flying in and out of Uzbekistan and
Norhtern Alliance territory for a year before W said
go.  That's a huge investment of time and energy...

... and if YOU (shouting intended) had bothered more
than skimming my own postings, you would have
addressed the actual meaning about BC planned
Afghanistan, instead of posting an absurd distraction.

I am now ending this.  My life does not need shrill
shouting matches and name-calling with Gautam and
John.  While they are smart guys, the chances of
wither side budging the other are nill.  I respect
them more than they probably think I do, but I no not
have dittos and spare lifespan.

I'll talk to conservatives who seriously want to
ponder my arguments while re-evealuation.  I will NOT
exchange any further brickbats with Gautam and John.

Questions, maybe.  No more of these futility
exchanges, though.

I wish you all well and pray daily for Western

With cordial regards,

David Brin 

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