John D. Giorgis wrote:

I thought it was the far-right, fundamentalists who propose that the "Left Behind" series reflects Christian doctrine and theology. I am most definitely not one of them; the popularity of those books disturbs me.

First off, when did the "Left Behind" series become an "ideological

That's not what I said. I was describing a group of people who seem to think those books reflect Christian doctine and theology. Call 'em rapture freaks or end-times fanatics... but I think there's a group out there that David was describing.

Secondly, subsequent to becoming an "ideological movement",
when did it start adopting "official" positions?     Dr. Brin's emphasis of
the terms "ideological movement" and "officially" strongly hinted to me
that he wasn't referring to something as nebulous as readers of the Left
Behind series who also take such books literally - but instead must be
referring to a group large enough to take, quote, "official" positions.
The group of Christians would match the terms "ideological movement" and
"officially" much better.

Yes, if one takes them out of context and ignores the reality that people use the word "official" to mean more than one thing. And that is my official opinion.

Secondly, since when did President Bush become a "far-right fundamentalist
who propose(s) that the 'Left Behind' series reflect Christian doctrine and
theology?"   Again, George W. Bush, quote, "openly supports",
Christianity....  he does not openly support the "Left Behind" movement so
far as I know.

There's a movement? Does it have official positions? ;-)

Did you realize that Tim Lahaye, one of the Left Behind authors, is and has long been a very politically active person.... and helped put Bush in office? Many consider him the primary organizer behind the extreme politics of Falwell, etc. He was doing that long before the books.

The White House won't say if Bush has read the books.



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