A startup claims it has created software that lets programs run on any
operating system—and any processor—without slowing down. Is the hype
for real this time?The topic of program emulation is not something
that will light a fire in many people’s hearts, or put a spark in
their eyes. But run the topic by IT professionals and you’ll likely
see a glimmer of hope—followed by a dismissive wave. They’re enchanted
by the promise of the technology, but haven’t exactly been thrilled
with the offerings to date. Big promises, piddling results.Software
emulators—software that allows another piece of software to run on
hardware for which it was not originally intended—have been an elusive
goal for the computing industry for almost 30 years. The ability to
port software to multiple hardware configurations is something
companies such as IBM, Intel, and Sun Microsystems are constantly
working on. Software emulators do exist today, but most are narrowly
focused, allowing one particular program to run on one other processor
type. Sometimes, performance suffers with the use of an emulator.

It was with a shock, then, that I read the announcement by tiny
Transitive Software of a new product, Quick Transit, that it claims
“allows software applications compiled for one processor and operating
system to run on another processor and operating system without any
source code or binary changes.” My first thoughts went straight to the
heart of the Linux/Microsoft battle. Could this software emulator be
used to run Microsoft programs on Linux? And wouldn’t that be inviting
the full wrath of the Microsoft legal team?

I called the Los Gatos, CA-based startup to learn more and ended up
talking with CEO Bob Wiederhold, who spoke from Manchester, England,
home of the company’s engineering offices. Wiederhold immediately
dashed my grander ideas. “If we tried to run Windows programs on a
Linux platform, Microsoft would be upset,” Wiederhold said. “That’s
not what we’re trying to do.” Wiederhold’s initial goals are less
incendiary, but could bring about big changes in the way companies
manage their technology assets. What’s more, the technology could
eventually drift down to the consumer level, where it could allow
older video games to play on newer versions of game platforms (such as
Microsoft’s Xbox, or Sony Playstation). The initial target market for
the product, however, is large computer makers.

Wiederhold says Quick Transit has been in development for nine years,
and that it’s the first software emulator that works with a broad
array of processors with minimal performance degradation. Typically,
software emulators—when they do work—suffer performance hits; a cursor
arrow struggles to move across the screen, or there's a two-second
delay after clicking on a file menu before the dialogue box opens.
Analysts who have seen Quick Transit report that it exhibits no such

The release has generated some buzz, along with doubts. “People are
excited,” says Wiederhold. “But there’s also quite a bit of skepticism
surrounding the announcement. That was expected. We claim to have made
a pretty big breakthrough and don’t think people will believe it until
they can see the [shipping version]." Transitive claims it has six
companies signed up for the product, but declined to identify them;
Wiederhold says the first customer announcement will come "in the next
couple of months."

If the product actually does what Transitive claims it can do, it
could have a big impact. Among the biggest expenses and headaches for
IT departments today are the management of servers, the migration of
software, and hardware upgrades. Businesses often hold off on
upgrading or switching servers because of the time and cost involved
with migrating their software to the new hardware. A product such as
Quick Transit could make the migration much easier and less costly.

Another potential benefit could be an increased ability for IT staffs
to consolidate servers. IT departments often run multiple servers,
each for a specific task—there’s a file server, a mail server, and so
forth. These servers are often vastly underutilized, not running near
their capacity. A program such as Quick Transit could enable a single
server to run multiple tasks, reducing the management hassle and
budget overhead from running multiple units.

Astute readers will notice a lot of “could” and “potentially” and
“might” in this story. Software emulators such as Quick Transit have
had high hypes only to deliver poorly. And with Transitive keeping the
unveiling restricted to a handful of analysts until its first customer
ships, you can’t get much more definitive than that. I trust the
analysts I spoke with for the story, having known them for years. And
they’re aware of the broken promises software emulators have left in
the past. That’s what makes their endorsement of Quick Transit
noteworthy. But I’ll be watching in the next couple of months for that
first customer announcement, and we’ll revisit this topic when I can
actually speak with customers about their experiences using the

Anytime, Anywhere Maru


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