Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten wrote:

Robert G. Seeberger wrote:



<snipped some>
...Quick Transit, that it claims "allows software applications compiled for one processor 
and operating system to run on another processor and operating system without any source code or 
binary changes." My first thoughts went straight to the heart of the Linux/Microsoft 
battle. Could this software emulator be used to run Microsoft programs on Linux? And wouldn't 
that be inviting the full wrath of the Microsoft legal team?

<>Wouldn't that be wonderfull. I believe if this took of that Microbug ;o) would loose out, big time! I mean there are a lot of people out there that only run the damn platform because of some software or other they cannot port to another platform. I for one would be hugely cheering this software if it really worked out.

I could also imagine that Big Bill would be inclined to buy the firm and sink it, technology and all if it turns out to be as good as is the promise. So I'm not holding my breath yet.

Silly Sonja<G> Bill would buy it and it would beome a core feature (AKA bug) in the next version of Windows, which in turn would cause everyone and their mother to try to sue the pants off Microsoft.<G>

LOL. You can tell I'm not a business woman then. I'll never be missus megabugs. I've never thought of the possibillity of turning this emulator into a bug that will force every scrap of software to run on a windozer box. I'm sure the apple folks won't be too amused and will try to sabotage this company then. So it doesn't look too good for this emulator either way then. <sigh> ;o)

Muave Screen Of Death Maru

Argh my eyes, my eyes.... turn it back to blue.... Too late. Now I'll be running around blinking trying to erase that awfull color from my retina.

Sonja ;o)
GCU: I'll be sending Rob an orange screen of death next.

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