Gautam said:

> Hi Rich.  It's an interesting argument - I think I've
> talked about it with you briefly.  I just want to
> point out, though, that I think you've stacked the
> deck a little bit. 

Yes, you did talk to me about it briefly, and I appreciate your comments
both then and now. I don't think I've stacked the deck though. I
originally wrote the article as a reply to a weblog post that more or
less suggested that the Europeans weren't spending anything on defence,
which is not the case. I then hoped that I'd explained why it might
look like this was the case, and why it might look like the UK was much
more militarised than the rest of Europe. I don't dispute the fact that
the US has spent more in total and more as a percentage of GDP, or that
a larger percentage of US defence spending was used for ships, strategic
aircraft and nuclear weapons.

And it is the case that Europe is investing quite a lot of effort in
being able to deploy forces globally rather than locally, as I hope
might be demonstrated by my (partial) list of new naval assets (many of
which are programmes started in the immediate aftermath of the Soviet
collapse). In time, this will doubtless have an effect on the way the
European powers approach the question of military interventions

> The second, larger point I'd make, is that it's true
> that Europe will, to some extent, have closed the gap
> with where the US is _today_ by 2015.  That's aiming
> at a moving target, though.  The US military is going
> to have advanced an enormous amount by 2015 - the gap,
> if I had to guess, will probably be _larger_, not
> smaller, than it is today.  

This also is true. The important thing, though, is not the gap between
the US and EU militaries, but between the EU militaries and anybody
they're likely to fight. It seems to me (although I'm not even remotely
a military analyst!) that the gap in effectiveness between European
forces and those of potential adversaries is increasing in size even if
not at the rate at which American forces are gaining in relative



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