----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Warren Ockrassa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: So it begins.... Evangelicals to Bush: Payback Time

> On Nov 29, 2004, at 11:54 AM, Dan Minette wrote:
> > From: "Warren Ockrassa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>> Whoops, I mis-read.  You said something about killing Christians. So,
> >>> that's OK? It appears so.
> >>
> >> I don't advocate killing Christians, just bigots. There are enough of
> >> them in the world already. We don't need more.
> >
> > Then why be one? That would be a good place to start.
> Be one what? What are you accusing me of being now?

A bigot, of course.

> >> Consider that if this attitude had been in place against the Taliban,
> >> the WTC might still be standing.
> >
> > And the Soviet Union would have been glass in the late '40s.

> Nope. Just the ones who openly support murder, and those who commit it
> in the first place. I honestly don't see what's so hard to understand
> about that.

But, you openly support murder.

> Treating intolerance with tolerance lets the intolerance win, every
> time. Eliminating the intolerance is the most reasonable response to
> I'm not the one, Dan, who accuses others of being pro-child rape in
> order to try to score rhetorical points. You're in no position to
> judge.

I was honestly curious.  After all man-boy love groups makes arguements
that were similar to the ones you made.  I wanted clarification and got it.
I even apologized for wording it in a way that could be misunderstood.  A
common technique I use is to first establish boundaries over which a
difference takes place, and then narrow the boundaries.
> >> I'll defend myself
> >> using any degree of force necessary. The discretion is mine. If I feel
> >> a need to use words to defend myself, I will use words. If I have to
> >> put a bullet into the brain of someone trying to harm or kill me, I
> >> will do that.
> >
> > Iff you are in clear and present danger, then it is self defense.
> > Otherwise, it's homocide.
> I see a clear and present danger in the form of increased bigotry
> (which, by the way, YOU are trying to turn into an anti-religious
> argument -- that's only sensible if you consider Christians to be
> bigoted).

Clear and present danger?   Lets look at numbers.  At


we see that a gay group counts 8 homicides over the last 9+ years as a
result of anti-gay hate crimes.  Now, that is clearly 8 too many, but let's
talk about the direct risk to your own life.  Based on this, and assuming
5% of the population is male and gay, we have almost 15 million gay males
in the US.  So, the probability of you being killed by a random hate murder
in a given year is significantly less than one in a million.

This is not a "clear and present danger" that would authorize the use of
leathal force.

> > Looks a lot like the kinda warning given by Bin Laden to me.
> Aha, I see. As soon as the victims stand up and say, "stop victimizing
> us", they become terrorists!

No, it's as soon as they threaten terrorism themselves.  Your arguement
justifies the Co

> >> Frankly, I'm tired of this crap. I'd be perfectly happy to drop all
> >> the
> >> belligerence if the religious intolerants would just shut the hell up
> >> and let me (and mine) live peacefully. There are millions just like me
> >> who feel exactly the same.
> >
> > You really think there are millions of gays who call for wholesale
> > slaughter?
> Where, precisely, did I say that.

> Are you so intent on making a point that you are unaware of everything
> else, or are you really so blind that you didn't even see what I
> posted?

You posted:

"So yes, I advocate eliminating bigotry. If we can't do that, the
next step is to eliminate the bigots."

IIRC, you also called JDG clearly a bigot earlier....but it might have just
been homophobic bigotry you mentioned, so maybe he can live on a
technicality.  Would you like to bet that, if I look, I can't dig up a
quote accusing JDG of something like that?

> Or are you just so intent on demonizing your opponent that you have to
> call him either an advocate of child molestation/incest or as a
> murderous, bloodthirsty demagogue in order to make your own weak stance
> seem more plausible?

If one does not want to appear bloodthirsty, then one shouldn't favor

> Uh, no, Dan, they embrace the idea of defending life and liberty with
> lethal force, if necessary.

That's what the Klan claims too.  There is a clear line between folks like
the Klansmen and just plain opinionated citizens.  Approving lynchings
crosses over that line.

Dan M.


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