At 10:50 AM 11/24/2004 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
>Does anyone else hear use Itunes extensively?  I was wondering if anyone 
>else has noticed some of the idiosyncrasies/problems that I have.  A short 
>1. Shuffle.  While I think that over a long time span the shuffle is 
>essentially random, I've noticed that over a shorter period it seems to 
>emphasize certain albums/artists (I'm working with a 4-5 thousand song 

The shuffle order appears to be set every time you restart Itunes.   For
example, if you manually select a song to listen to, the shuffle will bring
up the subsequent songs up in the same order as when you last listened to
that song with Itunes still open.

>2. Clipping songs.  Sometimes songs are cut off before they finish 
>playing.  I'm pretty sure the same songs are effected time and again - in 
>other words it's not a random problem, but I have no idea why these 
>particular songs have problems.  I am careful when I record my albums to 
>refrain from all other activity on the computer so I don't think that I've 
>corrupted the files, but I suppose that automatic stuff could be 

Have you tried comparing the Itunes track length with the length of the
track as listed on the original CD?    I discovered that one or two of my
songs were accidentally corrupted that way.

>3. Categorizing.  The program has a real problem categorizing albums as 
>compilations.  It almost never categorizes the real compellations properly 
>but often categorizes  regular albums as  compilations.  Very irritating!  
>You can select weather or not it is a compilation when you record it but 
>it seems to me that this should be pretty easy to automate in the software.

The Itunes database of song titles is very buggy - especially in comparison
with the Windows Media Player database.   I have noticed numerous glaring
errors in the database...

I don't know if that is related to the compilation problem you are having.
 I listen almost exclusively by Aritst or by Genre or by Rating, rather
than by album, so I've never noticed that problem.



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