First funny stuff:

Then this from the publisher one of the nation's leading economic trends newsletters. (Hardly a socialist!):

After the Nov.2 election, I suggested to my sister that, since there
were no paper trails left by electronic voting machines, the best way to
test for fraud would be very simple: line up all of the anomalies
caused by electronic voting in Column A of a spreadsheet, and note whether
they gave net votes to Kerry or Bush in Column B. If the result was
anywhere near 50/50, the election was probably fair. That work has now
been done, as you will see below. Unfortunately, 100% of the net anomaly
votes in Florida went to Bush, far beyond any statistical error. So,
my first test, applied in Florida, would indicate that a fraud had
occurred there.

Having learned this, I became aware of a paper just released on the Net
by UC Berkeley Statistics Professor Michael Hout and his team (url
below), in which he examined all county returns in Florida.  Here is his
conclusion, taken from the paper:

"No matter how many factors and variables we took into consideration,
the significant correlation in the votes for President Bush and
electronic voting cannot be explained.  The study shows, that a county's use of
electronic voting resulted in a disproportionate increase in votes for
President Bush. There is just a trivial probability of evidence like
this appearing in a population where the true difference is zero - less
than once in a thousand chances."

Another way to state the same result: he believes he has proven that
the likelihood that the Florida electronic vote was "rigged" was 99.9%. The data used in this study came from public sources including,
the 2000 US Census, and the Verified Voting Foundation. For a copy of
the working paper, raw data and other information used in the study can
be found at:

see also:

Dang, I wish my brother were as loyal and effective as Bush's is to him.

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