At 10:58 AM 12/8/2004 -0800 d.brin wrote:
>Now if only I could get into the 
>heads of the old-style moderate conservatives like George Will, who 
>are looking for a new approach......

Of course, George Will is so self-evidently looking for a new approach that
he publicly endorsed George W. Bush.....

>(Did I just hear right?  We put in charge of the agency charged with 
>defending the US against terrorism, a man who was a lackey for the 
>only country and regime that ever succeeded in perpetrating a major 
>terror attack upon our soil?  

Funny, I thought that regime was Taliban-occupied Afghanistan....

>Care to bet whether a little digging 
>would find that he is STILL on their payroll?

Sure.   Name your terms.    How about $10, payable on the date of Kerik
leaving office, if it is published in the NY Times, Washington Post, LA
Times, or USA Today that Kerik remained on the payroll of the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia during any point in time at which he was also serving as
Secretary of Homeland Security.

>Speaking of which, here's another chart: 
>More proof of the effectiveness of Republican abstinence education. 
>This is utterly and devastatingly damning of the whole right wing 

Too bad it also looks quite dubious.   

For one thing, you are presuming a strong correlation between use of
abstinence education in schools and vote for electors in 2004.   

For another thing, no data source is listed.

Finally, he is a data source with some different numbers:

Particularly interesting is that the above link suggests that these numbers
are very volatile as well.

Sorry, Dr. Brin, but I fail to find a single graphic from a left-wing blog
to be "devastating" to my whole "right wing" (oh wait, there's that
left-right axis thingy again! ;-)  ideology.

>Evading the overall pattern, administration defenders do this:  They 
>LEAP selectively upon whichever item in a long list may show signs of 
>weakness and then crow that they have disproved the whole pattern. 
>Take the mounting evidence for massive voter fraud.  ONE article 
>switched "optical scanners" with "touchscreen voting" by mistake. 

No, Dr. Brin, it was not a mistake.   For some reason unbeknowst to me, I
actually clicked on the article you linked to here.
The context of the article was quite clear that they thought that the
result was surprising, but they nevertheless reported that they felt that
the evidence of fraud was in the touchscreen counties.    The evidence was
bogus, of course, and quite frankly I don't see why you continue to refuse
to admit it.

>Reminder... Don't use credit cards Dec 12 or 13!  Pass it on.

Good luck with that....


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